Inspiration is a noun and is defined as:

The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative: “flashes of inspiration”.

Inspire is of course a verb (a doing word) and is defined as:

Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative: “his enthusiasm inspired them”.

With Steve Jobs’ passing this week we were all reminded how his many inspirations inspired us all.

I challenge anyone reading this post to create an inspirational moment in whatever part of their life is most dull.


Get creative, think differently, listen more, look at things from a different perspective, ask yourself why – it’s a powerful word “why?”

Then take action

After having an inspirational moment, be inspired to put your inspiration into action.

If you’re not inspired by yourself, then get inspired by your partner, friends, family, neighbours, business colleagues, social network, or your pets!

So…..what part of your life needs a flash of  inspiration?

A friend of mine had a flash many years ago and I’m glad to see the creation of  Eric the Circle. Join the fun here @