For anyone who has launched a revamped positioning, you’ll know this feeling of relaunching it to the market

The client is EMAPTA.

A leading, premium staffing company with top talent that aligns to its customer’s brand, values, and identity.

I was introduced to EMAPTA by Christian Lehman @ Throttl We helped redefine EMAPTA’s positioning – adding an emotional dimension, that has taken the business to a whole new level.

There was real heart and care within the business, however, it wasn’t being conveyed externally to the target markets.  From the outside,  the brand felt and looked sterile. To be brutally honest the website was lifeless and contained a mish-mash of content without conveying any real competitive difference or advantage. They were missing out on golden opportunities as business owners and managers searched for offshoring and outsourcing solutions.

I was asked to fly to the Philippines to check them out, and see if I could help evolve the market positioning and look and feel. We ultimately launched a new website in 2020 and aligned the ‘EMAPTA difference’ throughout the business.

Wow. I was absolutely stunned at what I found. A hidden gem

EMAPTA was founded in 2005 by Adelaide entrepreneur, Tim Vorbach. Tim had been searching for an outsourcing solution years earlier for his Adelaide business. Unable to find one, he closed doors, moved to the Philippines, and went about setting one up.

He wanted to blow the competition out of the water and reimagine offshoring and outsourcing solutions.

  • No ‘battery’ hen workspaces
  • No cookie-cutter solutions
  • No hidden pricing

He wanted total transparency and a simplified model that allowed business owners to quickly customise and seamlessly scale their teams.

I ended up flipping the messaging from a functional EMAPTA perspective (build your team in the Philippines) to a real benefit.

We called it ‘your team, your way’.

Bringing to life the ‘plug and play’ business model that allows business owners to link dedicated teams to their offices anywhere around the world – seamlessly as one. Cutting operational costs whilst being able to scale and increase productivity.

As I caught a taxi from Manila airport, in the back of my head was mental imagery of bland office spaces and relatively poor English.

But as I walked in the front door I felt that I was in the most modern of ‘Google offices’. It was a vibrant world-class workspace with fully equipped team and training rooms, break-out rooms, communal relaxation and connection areas, a gym, and the latest video and security technology (I loved the thumbprint security doors).

I was also greeted with smiles and wonderful English-speaking Filipinos at every turn. Their generosity, respect, work and service ethic were a delight to experience compared to levels in Australia.

EMAPTA is certainly something different. And I rarely say this. I was blown away.

So I set about working with the management, sales, and marketing teams to carve out a new positioning and establish unique customer and employee value propositions.

Then we brought it all to life with a new logo, strapline, and positioning line.

We also designed and built a new website with an energised and far more engaging brand look and feel. Creatively crafted by Monty Noble and his team at Noble Brands Worldwide, Christian Lehman and developed by Adam Bock, Pinkpanda.

Would you like to discover the EMAPTA difference?

So if you’re looking to scale your business and can’t afford to employ the right talent in your own country, then maybe look at integrating offshore teams or outsourcing some business activities like bookkeeping, technical support, business development, legal services, virtual assistants and more to EMPATA in the Philippines for a more streamlined and efficient approach. Take a look at

And try the team builder here to see how much value EMAPTA can add. They could save you up to 70% on your labour costs.

Take a look at some of their clients and how they’ve scaled up here

Be sure to ask for Tim Vorbach, CEO and founder, or Karl Mitmannsgruber (co-owner and Sales Director).

I can guarantee that they’ll look after you.